HYMN; BH 187: The Heavens Declare
In ev'ry star Thy wisdom shines;
But when our eyes behold Thy Word,
We read Thy Name in fairer lines.
2. The rolling sun, the changing light,
And nights and days Thy pow'r confess;
But the blest volume Thou hast writ
reveals Thy justice and Thy grace.
3. Sun, moon, and stars convey Thy praise
Round the whole earth, and never stand:
So when Thy truth began its race,
It touched and glanced on ev'ry land.
4. Nor shall Thy spreading gospel rest
Till through the world Thy truth has run,
Till Christ has all the nations blest
That see the light, or feel the sun.
5. Great Sun of Righteousness, arise,
Bless the dark world with heav'nly light;
Thy gospel makes the simple wise;
Thy laws are pure, Thy judgments right.
6. Thy noblest wonders here we view
in souls renewed and sins forgiv'n;
Lord, cleanse my sins, my soul renew,
And make Thy Word my guide to heav'n.
The law of curse and effect is a constant universal
law. This law states that actions have consequences, whether good or bad. A
consequence is a result or effect of an action or condition. Positive actions
results in positive consequences while outcomes of bad actions are negative.
Moses was declaring God’s instructions to the Israelites, which they should keep,
he directed the Levites to pronounce curse on whoever disobeys the laws of God.
The Pronouncements came on the basis that an action which is not in line with
God’s law would result in punishment. The assembly of Israelites was to respond
to the curse by saying “Amen” . Anyone who is idolatrous; disregards their
parents; perverts justice, commits sexual immoralities; murders, accepts bribes
and disobeys other laws of God was cursed.
actions which God detest in today’s text have bad consequences. God cannot tolerate
ungodliness. An unholy lifestyle is detestable to Him. God cannot stand sin
irrespective of how humankind categories it, whether great or small. It is
important not to involve in the sin. The consequence for sin is God’s wrath. Is
there any act of disobedience which you have to repent of to escape God’s wrath?
Obedience to God in all things should be your lifestyle.
will reap what you sow
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Are you doing
the will of God?
FOLLOW-UP-ACTION: Do away with
anything that can make you attract God’s wrath.
help me to always above all form of perversion in Jesus’ name.
Father, give me grace to obey You in all situations,
in Jesus’ name.