1 The Lord is my Shepherd, no want shall I know;
I feed in green pastures, safe folded I rest;
He leadeth my soul where the still waters flow,
Restores me when wandering, redeems when oppressed,
Restores me when wandering, redeems when oppressed.
2 Through the valley and
shadow of death though I stray,
Since Thou art my guardian, no evil I fear;
Thy rod shall defend me, Thy staff be my stay;
No harm can befall with my Comforter near,
No harm can befall with my Comforter near.
3 In the midst of affliction
my table is spread;
With blessings unmeasured my cup runneth o’er;
With perfume and oil Thou anointest my head;
O what shall I ask of Thy providence more?
O what shall I ask of Thy providence more?
4 Let goodness and mercy, my
bountiful God,
Still follow my steps till I meet Thee above.
I seek by the path which my forefathers trod,
Through the land of their sojourn, Thy kingdom of love,
Through the land of their sojourn Thy kingdom of love.
TEXT: MATTHEW 20: 29-34
Golden Text: “Lord, Son of David,
have mercy on us.” Matthew 20: 30, NIV.
Sometimes, people find themselves in situations that
seem to deft all solutions. At such times, some people resign to fate, others
seek help where there is none and some others end their lives. But what should
be the believer’s response at such times?
Christ healed the two blind men who cried out for help in faith. They regained
their sight as a result of not keeping quiet, even when people around them
tried to shut them up. Their cry was a cry for mercy. Their continuous plea
attracted Jesus’ attention. Jesus stopped and asked, “What do you want me to
do?” The blind men replied, “We want to see.” Their request was very clear, and
it attracted Jesus’ compassion. He touched them and they could see. Mercy encompasses
so many things. And we all need mercy. A prayer for mercy should be uppermost
in the heart of every believer. When we consider the level of corruption in the
country, health challenges, unemployment, insecurity of lives and properties,
natural disasters, we should be deliberate and continue to ask God for mercy.
As we pray for mercy, we should not be distracted by people, especially unbelievers
who think that prayer is a waste of time and efforts. They think it cannot give
results. Like the blind men, we should not stop begging for mercy, until we receive
it. Are there things for which you need to ask God for mercy today? Go ahead
and ask in faith.
of faith attracts God’s mercy.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If you are to
make a choice, what would you ask for?
FOLLOW-UP-ACTION: Plead for God’s
mercy for your country.
Spirit, give me a deeper revelation of Jesus the merciful God/ the Healer.
I receive fresh insight into the deeper things of
God, in the name of Jesus.
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