The Women’s Missionary union of the First Baptist Church,
Lagos was started after the meeting of the Nigerian Baptist Convention on March
14, 1919, where Adeotan Agbebi was appointed the First President of the WMU.
Two members of the First Baptist Church; Miss Janet Fadipe and Mama Hannah
Williams were present at the Inauguration service where they were charged to
continue the WMU in their individual churches.
The Women’s Missionary Union is the most important women organization in all
Baptist Churches as it is one of the conditions for the recognition of a
standard and fully fledged Baptist Church.
The aims of WMU are:-
1. To stimulate private and public prayer
2. To stimulate daily reading of God’s word (The Bible)
3. To spread the gospel among people
4. To encourage stewardship, personal service and giving to the
needy and working in the Vine yard.
The WMU is saddled with the spiritual development of
children and women in all Baptist Churches.
The WMU comprises four organizations:
1. Women’s missionary union (WMU) which comprises married women only.
2. Lydia Auxiliary (For girls age 16 and above/until married)
3. Girls Auxiliary (This comprises of two groups)
a. Junior age: 10-12
b. Intermediate age: 13-16
4. Sunbeam band (This comprises of two groups)
a. Beginners class ages: 4-6
b. Primary class ages: 13-16
The WMU is the Overall head/Supervisor.
WMU’s unwavering focus is making
disciples of Jesus who live on mission.
We carry out this mission by
providing missions discipleship
resources for churches and individuals,
offering opportunities to engage
with compassion ministries, and
Equipping people through leadership
development experiences.
Scripture guides us in knowing God,
His ways, His character, His mission, His redemptive acts, and His purpose for
the church.
Jesus commissioned His disciples to
proclaim the good news disciple people of all nations, and teach them to live
out the truths He taught.
Jesus gave the church authority to
act on His behalf. Teaching all ages prepares the church to fulfill His
God is always at work among all
peoples, and we join Him where we discern He is calling us.
No one church can do alone what many
churches can do together. Our voluntary cooperation extends the missions reach
of the local church.
WMU, an auxiliary of the Southern
Baptist Convention, began 133 years ago in the hearts of visionary leaders to
pray and systematically raise money for missions.
Since that time, WMU has helped lead
Southern Baptist churches across the country to give $6.6 billion through the
Annie Armstrong Easter Offering and Lottie Moon Christmas Offering—efforts
begun by WMU to support missionaries.
WMU’s unwavering focus on making
disciples of Jesus who live on mission happens through missions discipleship,
leadership development, and compassion ministries, with kingdom impact in every
state and 39 countries.
Based in Birmingham, Alabama,
national WMU is not a part of the Cooperative Program allocation budget and
receives no funds from the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering or Lottie Moon
Christmas Offering. National WMU is supported through the sale of magazines and
products and from investments and charitable contributions.