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Saturday, December 11, 2021




TEXT: 2 SAMUEL 9:1-7; 9-12


1. Brethren, we have met to worship
And adore the Lord our God;
Will you pray with all your power,
While we try to preach the Word?
All is vain unless the Spirit
Of the Holy One comes down;
Brethren, pray, and holy manna
Will be showered all around.

2. Brethren, see poor sinners round you
Slumb'ring on the brink of woe;
Death is coming, hell is moving,
Can you bear to let them go?
See our fathers and our mothers,
And our children sinking down;
Brethren, pray and holy manna
Will be showered all around.

3. Sisters, will you join and help us?
Moses' sister aided him;
Will you help the trembling mourners
Who are struggling hard with sin?
Tell them all about the Savior,
Tell them that He will be found;
Sisters, pray, and holy manna
Will be showered all around.

4. Let us love our God supremely,
Let us love each other, too;
Let us love and pray for sinners,
Till our God makes all things new.
Then He'll call us home to heaven,
At His table we'll sit down;
Christ will gird Himself, and serve us
With sweet manna all around.


Golden Text: Is there no one still alive from the house of Saul to whom I can show God’s kindness? 2 Samuel 9:3, NIV

A woman lost her job as a security guard because she was too courteous. Her employer wrote, “Due to your caring and giving nature, you are compromising your position as a security officer. Being caring and giving is not a job requirement, nor is it what you are paid to do”. Imaging getting a job where kindness is a minus rather than a plus in the qualifications! Jonathan’s faithfulness to his side of the covenant cannot go unrewarded.

When God lifted David to become king, he remembered the faithfulness of his friend, Jonathan. “David asked, “Is there anyone still left of the house of Saul to whom I can show kindness for Jonathan’s sake?” Mephibosheth, crippled in both feet, the only surviving son of Jonathan, became the beneficiary David’s kindness. Everything that belonged to the house of Saul was returned to him and he was brought to eat with King David in Jerusalem.

David knew that he got to the throne by God’s kindness. He determined to show the same kindness to any surviving relation of Jonathan. Whatever position you are today is by God’s mercy. You are to show the kindness of God to people around you. Being in a position to show kindness to people is a privilege. Never miss any opportunity to show God’s kindness to all who come your way.

WISDOM: Our world needs God’s kindness.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Do you use your position to bring benefits to people?

FOLLOW-UP ACTION: Show kindness to someone today.

PRAYER: O Lord, help me to be kind.

O Lord, I receive your grace to fulfill your purpose for me today.

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Thursday, December 9, 2021





TEXT: 2 SAMUEL 3:1-5; 5:1-5


Golden Text: Elders of Israel had come to King David at Hebron, the king made a covenant with them at Hebron before the LORD, and they anointed David King over Israel. 2 Samuel 5:3, NIV

“Why can’t I have it now”? Was the question a young man asked his father, when the father told him that he has a special parcel for him but that he was not ripe enough to manage it? “Why wait till a particular time when the parcel is already with you dad”? He thought.

After six and half years of ruling over his tribe men of Judah in Hebron, the elders of Israel came over and anointed David King over all Israel. David’s installation as King over Israel was the end of about nineteen years of endurance, trials and temptations. God used the period to train his heart to be more loving and forgiving. Twice he had opportunity to kill Saul, but God prevailed in his heart and he forgave Saul. David’s three levels of endorsement before family (1 Samuel 16:13), tribe (2 Samuel 2:4), and Nation (2 Samuel 5:3) are like Jesus’ three levels of dominion. He conquered in Heaven, on earth and beneath the earth (Philippians 2:9-10).

Adversity is not your enemy, but God’s instrument to prepare you for your throne of destiny. A man is not defined by the position he occupies, but by the obstacles he overcomes to obtain the position. God has a place that He is taking you to. Be patience as you follow His step even if it is painful, difficult and unbearable. Do not be satisfied with being a local champion. Wait for God’s time and He will glorify Himself through your life.

WISDOM: God makes all things beautiful in His time.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Am I prepared for the promotion I believe God for?

FOLLOW-UP ACTION: Do all you need to be ready for God’s visitation.

PRAYER: O Lord, I receive the grace to obtain Your promises.

Father Lord, may I not be missing on Your day of visitation.

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1 The Lord is my Shepherd, no want shall I know;
I feed in green pastures, safe folded I rest;
He leadeth my soul where the still waters flow,
Restores me when wandering, redeems when oppressed,
Restores me when wandering, redeems when oppressed.

2 Through the valley and shadow of death though I stray,
Since Thou art my guardian, no evil I fear;
Thy rod shall defend me, Thy staff be my stay;
No harm can befall with my Comforter near,
No harm can befall with my Comforter near.

3 In the midst of affliction my table is spread;
With blessings unmeasured my cup runneth o’er;
With perfume and oil Thou anointest my head;
O what shall I ask of Thy providence more?
O what shall I ask of Thy providence more?

4 Let goodness and mercy, my bountiful God,
Still follow my steps till I meet Thee above.
I seek by the path which my forefathers trod,
Through the land of their sojourn, Thy kingdom of love,
Through the land of their sojourn Thy kingdom of love.

TEXT: MATTHEW 20: 29-34

Golden Text: “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us.” Matthew 20: 30, NIV.

Sometimes, people find themselves in situations that seem to deft all solutions. At such times, some people resign to fate, others seek help where there is none and some others end their lives. But what should be the believer’s response at such times?

          Jesus Christ healed the two blind men who cried out for help in faith. They regained their sight as a result of not keeping quiet, even when people around them tried to shut them up. Their cry was a cry for mercy. Their continuous plea attracted Jesus’ attention. Jesus stopped and asked, “What do you want me to do?” The blind men replied, “We want to see.” Their request was very clear, and it attracted Jesus’ compassion. He touched them and they could see. Mercy encompasses so many things. And we all need mercy. A prayer for mercy should be uppermost in the heart of every believer. When we consider the level of corruption in the country, health challenges, unemployment, insecurity of lives and properties, natural disasters, we should be deliberate and continue to ask God for mercy. As we pray for mercy, we should not be distracted by people, especially unbelievers who think that prayer is a waste of time and efforts. They think it cannot give results. Like the blind men, we should not stop begging for mercy, until we receive it. Are there things for which you need to ask God for mercy today? Go ahead and ask in faith.

WISDOM: Prayer of faith attracts God’s mercy.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If you are to make a choice, what would you ask for?

FOLLOW-UP-ACTION: Plead for God’s mercy for your country.

PRAYER: Holy Spirit, give me a deeper revelation of Jesus the merciful God/ the Healer.

I receive fresh insight into the deeper things of God, in the name of Jesus.

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Tuesday, December 7, 2021




TEXT: 2 SAMUEL 18:1-8


    1. Have faith in God when your pathway is lonely.
He sees and knows all the way you have trod;
Never alone are the least of His children;
Have faith in God, have faith in God.

    2. Have faith in God when your prayers are unanswered,
Your earnest plea He will never forget;
Wait on the lord, trust His word and be patient,
Have faith in God. He'll answer yet.

    3. Have faith in God in your pain and your sorrow,
His heart is touched with your grief and despair;
Cast all your cares and your burdens upon Him,
And leave them there, oh, leave them there.

    4. Have faith in God though all else fall about you;
Have faith in God, He provides for His own:
He cannot fail though all kingdoms shall perish.
He rules. He reigns upon His throne.


5    5. Have faith in God, He's on His throne,
Have faith in God, He watches over His own;
He cannot fail, He must prevail,
Have faith in God, Have faith in God.

Golden Text: And there was a widow in that town that kept coming to him with the plea, “Grant me justice against my adversary”. Luke 18:3, NIV

Stanza two of B. B. McKinney’s song, “Have faith in God” readily comes to mind when one considers the importance of not giving up on God. The lyrics- Have faith in God when your prayers are answered; your earnest plea He will never forget; Wait on the Lord; trust His word and be patient. Have faith in God, He’ll answer yet. His song buttresses the fact that it is God that answers prayer and that He does so at His own time. The song also encourages one not to be tired of praying and that when God answers one’s prayer, one should still have faith in His power.

Today’s text depicts a common situation in present-day life. Many widows and helpless people are oppressed by cruel individuals. The society is filled with insensitive and wicked leaders, like the unjust judge in the parable. In contrast, God as a judge is not unrighteous; He is compassionate. The widow demonstrates an outstanding quality. She was alone in the predicament, yet undeterred. The more the judge ignored her the more she troubled him. She won through her persistence.

Christians are to make their needs to God through prayers. Although, answer to prayer may not come instantly, God will definitely answer. This is the meaning of Jesus’ idea when He said, “And shall go not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them?” (Vs. 7-8). Today, take encouragement in the word of B. B. McKinney’s song. Do not give up. Your victory is sure.

WISDOM: Persistent prayer is evidence of faith.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Do I give up praying before God answers me?

FOLLOW-UP ACTION: Wait on the Lord on some issues in your life.

PRAYER: O Lord Jesus, help my unbelief!

I receive grace to overcome temptations in Jesus’ name.

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Monday, December 6, 2021



TEXT: 2 SAMUEL 1:17-27


1. Love divine, all loves excelling,
joy of heav’n, to earth come down,
fix in us thy humble dwelling,
all thy faithful mercies crown.
Jesus, thou art all compassion,
pure, unbounded love thou art.
Visit us with thy salvation;
enter ev'ry trembling heart.

2. Breathe, O breathe thy loving Spirit
into ev’ry troubled breast.
Let us all in thee inherit,
let us find the promised rest.
Take away the love of sinning;
Alpha and Omega be.
End of faith, as its beginning,
set our hearts at liberty.

3. Come, Almighty, to deliver,
let us all thy life receive.
Suddenly return, and never,
nevermore they temples leave.
Thee we would be always blessing,
serve thee as thy hosts above,
pray, and praise thee without ceasing,
glory in thy perfect love.

4. Finish, then, thy new creation;
true and spotless let us be.
Let us see thy great salvation
perfectly restored in thee.
Changed from glory into glory,
till in heav’n we take our place,
till we cast our crowns before thee,
lost in wonder, love and praise.

 Golden Text: “O daughters of Israel, weep over Saul, who clothed you in scarlet and finery, who adorned your garments with ornaments of gold”. 2 Samuel 1:24, NIV

In ancient times, professional mourners create an atmosphere of sorrow at funerals. Such mourners are often paid for make-belief crying, which is done to create an atmosphere of sadness. Unlike these professional mourners whose weeping has nothing to do with their emotion, David’s mourning for the death of Saul and Jonathan was real.

David’s lament for Saul and Jonathan shows how difficult it is to be separated from one’s beloved. David sang a dirge in honour of God’s anointed, Saul, who was dishonoured by the Amalekites. “The shield of the almighty is vilely cast away”. He acknowledged Saul’s achievements in Israel. “Weep over Saul who clothed you in scarlet with luxury” (vs. 24), and he was grateful to Jonathan for the special love they shared. “Your love to me was wonderful, surpassing the love of women” (vs. 26). His lamentation was a show of sincere love at the moment of sadness. It reveals his unalloyed love for Saul. He grieved at the news of Saul’s death by fasting “until evening for Saul and for Jonathan his son, for the people of the Lord, because they had fallen by the sword”.

We all need sincere and true friends like David. Can you be adjudged a true friend by those you call your friend? Let your friendship with other people be one that others would love to imitate just like that of David and Jonathan. You should not wait for people to die before you express sincere gratitude and celebrate the relationship you share with them. Have you lost beloved ones and seems you are having unending pain? Ask the Holy Spirit to comfort you. Let the good moment you shared with them encourage you to move on.

WISDOM: Good relationships thrive on truth and sincerity.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Are you a true friend?

FOLLOW-UP-ACTION: Renew your relationships with your friends through visitation.

PRAYER: O Lord Jesus, help me to value my relationship with You and people.

O Lord, I covet your presence with me and my family all the days of our lives.

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Regular Weekly Events


·         English Service → 8:00 am - 9:00 am

·         Sunday School → 9:00 am - 10:00 am

·         Yoruba  Service →10:00 am

·         Discipleship Lifestyle → 5:00 pm

·         Youth Meeting →     2nd Sunday of the Month



·         Daily Encounter with God → 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

·         Prayer Champions → 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

·         Fisher of Soul Drama Ministry → 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm



·         Men Missionary Union & Women Missionary Union Fellowship → 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

·         Bible Study & Prayer Meeting → 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm



·         Baptism Class                  5:00 pm - 6:00 pm


·         Choir Fellowship             5:00 pm - 6:00 pm



·         Preparatory Class for Sunday School Teachers                                5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

·         Baptist Student Fellowship                                4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

·         Royal Ambassadors & Girls’ Auxiliary             5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

·         Junior Choir          5:00 pm - 6:00 pm



·         Lydia Fellowship              5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

·         Junior Choir          5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

·         Choir Fellowship             5:00 pm - 7:00 pm




·         3rd Monday of Every Month                   3:00 pm


·         First 3 days of the Month Fasting & Prayer/Revival              4:00 pm


·         Last Friday of the Month    


·         Last Sunday of the Month


·         First Sunday of the Month




TEXT: 2 SAMUEL 1:1-12


1 God be with you till we meet again,
By His counsels guide, uphold you,
With His sheep securely fold you,
God be with you till we meet again.

Till we meet, till we meet,
Till we meet at Jesus’ feet;
Till we meet, till we meet,
God be with you till we meet again.

2 God be with you till we meet again,
’Neath His wings protecting hide you,
Daily manna still divide you,
God be with you till we meet again. [Refrain]

3 God be with you till we meet again,
When life’s perils thick confound you,
Put His arms unfailing round you,
God be with you till we meet again. [Refrain]

4 God be with you till we meet again,
Keep love’s banner floating o’er you,
Smite death’s threatening wave before you,
God be with you till we meet again. [Refrain]

Golden Text: They mourned and wept and fasted till evening for Saul and his son Jonathan. 2 Samuel 1:12, NIV

Although death is inevitable to all humankind, the thought of losing a beloved person could be painful. Many people express sadness at the death of their beloved ones through crying, wearing of sackcloth, and singing of dirge and so on. However, psychologists say that mourning could be therapeutic to those who grieve for their dead, but should be done with caution.

The young man who claimed to have killed Saul described the fierceness of the battle between the Israelites and the Amalekites. He narrated how the Israelites fled before the Amalekites while many soldiers died including Saul and Jonathan. Having explained falsely how Saul died (1 Samuel 31:4), David and all the soldiers with him tore their cloths, cried and fasted to mourn Saul, Jonathan, Israel’s army and their country. They grieved over them because they died in the battle. David considered the death of the two of them a great loss and dishonour to Israel.

It is not wrong to mourn the death, especially one’s beloved. But in mourning, one should be cautioned. As believers, we should not mourn the death of other believers like unbelievers who have no hope. Everyone who dies in Christ has the hope of resurrection. Rejoicing over the death of wicked people should not be the attitude of true believers. We should rather mourn that such a person does not have a hope of resurrection.

WISDOM: The memory of the dead in Christ is blessed.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Do you have an unconditional love for people?

FOLLOW-UP ACTION: Pray for your family members who are yet to know Christ.

PRAYER: O Lord, grant me and my beloved long life. May nothing cut our days short?

O Lord, deliver me from the hands of the wicked in Jesus’ name.

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